Monday, July 25, 2011

Soldering Tutorial

From EEVBlog, Dave's 3-part soldering tutorial:

Part 1 - Tools

Part 2 - Soldering

Part 3 - SMD

Friday, July 8, 2011

Impedence Tutorial

Catching up on my Google Reader feeds, I finally had a chance to watch Ben Krasnow's two tutorial videos on impedance.  As always, he does a good job explaining otherwise-complicated material.

Part 1

Part 2

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Voltage Regulator Board

After frying my ATMega644 (sigh) using unfiltered DC from my power supply, I decided it was time to add a voltage regulator.  I'm assuming that doing so will protect me from any spikes.  Anyway, I've built the simple voltage regulator circuit from the Sparkfun tutorial any number of times (regulator, two caps, one PTC, one switch), and wasn't looking forward to building it again.  So this time I soldered it to some perfboard so I can simply plug it into my next circuit.  The circuit isn't terribly complicated, but it gave me some experience with perfboard wiring and soldering.